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Santa Fe Streetscape Study

The City and County of Denver Public Works is working to identify, design, and develop pilot streetscape improvements for the Santa Fe Corridor between 8th Avenue and West Colfax Avenue.

Santa Fe Drive is an important corridor within the Denver transportation network. It is a key link between downtown, 6th and 8th Avenues, and I-25, providing connections for a variety of users in the neighborhood and the greater community.

The corridor is home to the Art District on Santa Fe with a unique mix of art galleries, theaters, offices, auto-oriented commercial, and residential uses. The arts scene makes it a popular destination for people, particularly on First Fridays — a celebration of the arts with open galleries and large groups of people wandering in and out of galleries and restaurants on foot along the corridor.

The combination of narrow sidewalks along many portions of the corridor and significant vehicular traffic in the district has created a character that does not match the community’s vision for the corridor. The weekday activity levels are generally lighter, but with the 10th & Osage light rail station to the west and the West High site, downtown and the Cherry Creek Trail to the east there are significant pedestrian and bike crossings through and along the corridor.

As a result of these conditions, Denver Public Works is working with area residents and businesses to identify, design, and develop pilot streetscape improvements that aim to address the existing and evolving uses of the Santa Fe corridor.

Learn more about the Santa Fe Streetscape Study
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