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A new network of bikeways – 125 miles – will soon link Denver’s central neighborhoods like never before. When bikeways are designed to work together as a network, enhancing the safety of people walking, rolling, biking, and driving alike, people will finally have real choices for how to get around.

In order to truly reclaim streets for people, we must reimagine who our streets are for and how real people move around our city. We’re proud to share the stories of three Denver residents: AJ Rodriguez, Maggierose Martinez, and City Councilman Chris Hinds. They walk, roll, bike, and bus around the Mile High City. They are also the stars of 10 new videos showing some of the ways the Denver Streets Partnership connects decision makers and Denver residents with diverse perspectives, timely information, and practical solutions to prioritize streets for people. Watch and learn why Community Transportation Networks are important for these three Denverites and for all of us.

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