An important step toward realizing the vision and goals embodied in Blueprint Denver is the development of more detailed plans through Denver’s neighborhood planning initiative. Recently the City released the latest draft neighborhood plan for the East Area. We’ve...
Policy Development
DSP Comments on the East Central Area Plan
An important step toward realizing the vision and goals embodied in Blueprint Denver is the development of more detailed plans through Denver’s neighborhood planning initiative. Recently the City released the latest draft neighborhood plan for the East Central area....
Get on the Bus: It’s Time to Make Denver’s Transit Better
The following opinion piece by Jill Locantore was originally published in Colorado Politics on July 26, 2019. To address many of the challenges resulting from Denver’s booming growth, City leaders should immediately improve the bus system. It’s not surprising that...
Managing Denver’s Street Space: Putting People First
Mayor Hancock’s Mobility Action Plan establishes the ambitious goals of reducing the proportion of people who drive alone to work from 73% to 50% and eliminating traffic fatalities by the year 2030. The Denver Streets Partnership (DSP) strongly supports these goals....
Denver Moves: Enhanced Bikeways
In 2016, Denver Public Works finalized an update to Denver Moves (2011) to plan for enhanced on-street bicycle facilities (e.g., protected bike lanes, neighborhood bikeways) in the downtown area and throughout Denver. This includes: Developing a detailed plan for a...
Denver Moves: Pedestrians & Trails
Denver Moves: Pedestrians and Trails is a citywide plan for completing and improving sidewalks, street crossings and trails – the most essential elements of our transportation network. It also includes recommendations for enhancing our recreational trail network,...
Denver Moves: Transit
Denver Moves: Transit is Denver’s first-ever citywide transit plan creating a local transit vision and guiding framework that calls for improving the quality of transit options in our city – making transit more reliable, more frequent, and more convenient for daily...
Blueprint Denver
Blueprint Denver, first adopted in 2002 and updated in 2019, is the City's land use and transportation plan for growing an inclusive and authentic city. The plan is about: Creating complete neighborhoods and complete networks everywhere in our city, to meet the needs...
Via the city’s three-year Denveright outreach and planning effort, input from thousands of Denverites resulted in plans for a more inclusive, connected and healthy city, for all who live here today, as well as neighbors of tomorrow. The first plan drafts were...
Denver Streets Partnership Policy Platform
The Denver Streets Partnership (DSP) is a coalition of community-based organizations advocating for people-friendly streets in Denver. We work to make Denver a safer, more connected and liveable city for everyone. To fulfill this vision, the DSP strongly supports the following policies: