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What’s a Neighborhood Bikeway, and why might you want one in your neighborhood?

What’s a Neighborhood Bikeway, and why might you want one in your neighborhood?

When some of our team had the opportunity to visit Copenhagen a couple years ago, we were struck by how the city basically has just two types of streets: 1) Bigger streets with lots of people traveling by different modes, each with its own dedicated space—sidewalks for people walking; elevated, protected lanes for people on bikes; dedicated transit lanes; and lanes for people in cars. 2) Smaller shared streets, where all modes are allowed to mix together, but people walking and biking are prioritized and people drive so slow that everyone feels safe sharing that space.

Neighborhood Navigators are here to help!

Neighborhood Navigators are here to help!

Over the last few months, Denverites have seen the benefits of fewer cars on the road: safer roads; quieter streets; and more room to walk, bike, and roll. Bicycling is one way to prevent traffic, pollution, and noise from returning to their previous levels. Denver is...

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