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AJ Kiel sits at a bus stop at MLK Jr Blvd and York Street in front of his art installation

The Denver Streets Partnership, Access Gallery, Pedestrian Dignity and local artist Adelina ‘That5280Lady’ Gonzalez are excited to introduce a community-driven art project aimed at raising awareness about the poor conditions at many Denver bus stops—and advocating for real change. Many bus stops lack basic amenities like shelters, benches, and trash cans, particularly in underserved areas.

Art installations at three different bus stops

The Waiting for Dignity project features art installations at three bus stops in historically neglected neighborhoods. Find them at these locations: southbound on Federal Blvd and 14th Ave, westbound on MLK Jr. Blvd and York St, and westbound on W Colfax Ave and Winona Ct. The goal is simple: to bring attention to the issue, hear the stories of those who wait for the bus daily, and push for improvements to all bus stops in Denver. Learn more about this project and the artists.

Here’s how you can take action:

  1. Share Your Experience: If you’ve ever waited for the bus at one of these stops (or any other), share your story.
    • Leave a voicemail or send a text to: 720-449-6450
    • Post a selfie or video on social media using #WaitingForDignity or #EsperandoPorDignidad
    • Fill out our online form
  2. Advocate for Change: Whether you ride the bus or not, you can help! Use the online email form to urge state and local leaders to increase funding for bus stop programs that:
    • Prioritize riders over advertising revenue
    • Focus on bus stops in historically disinvested neighborhoods
    • Ensure regular maintenance and providing essential amenities at all stops

Let’s make sure that all riders have the dignity and comfort they deserve while waiting for the bus.

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