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We know you’re busy studying forecasts predicting somewhere between five inches and five feet of snow (or more!), so here are five quick reasons to clear the snow and ice from your sidewalk.

  • People with disabilities who use wheelchairs and walkers
  • Parents who push strollers and pull wagons
  • Workers who deliver mail, packages, and food
  • It’s Denver law: After snow has stopped falling, businesses need to begin clearing their sidewalks immediately, and residences need to clear their sidewalks by the next day. But you could certainly shovel before the snow stops falling!
  • It makes you feel good to make walking and rolling safer for other people. If you want to help beyond your own sidewalk – or if you need a little help shoveling – check out the Denver Snow Angels Program.

If you have ideas to make your neighborhood more walkable – whether the weather is snowy or not – we’re giving micro-grants up to $1,000.

Apply for a Winter Micro-Grant
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