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In 2020, as we face an unprecedented public health crisis with COVID-19, residents across Denver and worldwide are finding it more important now than ever to have safe and ample spaces to be physically active. Denver’s Shared & Open streets have helped but there is plenty of work left to do.

If you’re interested in sharing local success stories, exploring best practices and ideas from around the world, and networking with decision makers and like-minded community members, we hope you’ll join us at the 2020 Denver Streets for People Summit, a virtual conference focused on engaging Denverites in a dialogue about making our streets safer and better for people walking, biking, rolling, or taking transit.

The 4-day Summit will run from Wednesday, 9/16 through Saturday, 9/19 and include:

  • Four 1-hour virtual panel discussions
  • Three 1-hour virtual global conversations on curated topics
  • Several virtual networking opportunities
  • Several limited-registration, in-person walks and bike rides
  • Unlimited access to video recordings of virtual panels and global conversations

Join us to learn from local and national leaders, discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on transportation, and imagine a transportation system that prioritizes human dignity.

Register for the summit here
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