Federal Boulevard

It’s time to fix Federal Boulevard.

Federal Blvd statistics

Federal Boulevard is a critical part of Denver’s transportation system.

What it is.

Federal Boulevard is an essential north-south link on Denver’s west side, connecting people to local cultural districts and regional destinations.

It is home to some of the most diverse neighborhoods in the city, including a mixture of immigrant, low-income, young adult and senior populations as well as established neighborhoods and college campus communities.

Federal serves as a main street for these communities, providing access to social services, numerous parks, and a plethora of cherished local minority-owned businesses.

What's the problem?

Federal Boulevard is the most dangerous street in Denver, with a fatality rate more than twenty times the average for urban streets in Colorado. Between 2012 and 2017, twenty-two percent of all pedestrian-involved crashes in Denver were on Federal Boulevard.

This traffic violence is preventable. City leaders acknowledged this with Denver’s commitment to Vision Zero and eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries on our streets. It’s time to back up this commitment with action.

Why it matters.

The victims of fatal crashes on Federal come from all walks of life, but their deaths have something in common: speed. Federal is designed to facilitate high-speed travel and people often drive well above the posted speed limit.

This is unacceptable for a major urban corridor lined with multifamily housing, schools, mom-and-pop businesses, parks, cultural destinations, social service providers, and major transit routes.

People should be able to enjoy one of Denver’s most vibrant urban streets without fear of injury or death.

Three steps to a safer Federal Boulevard.

Traffic calming

Raised, planted medians limit dangerous turning motions and slow traffic.

Pedestrian median refuges shorten crossing distances and provide a safe place to wait.

High-visibility, mid-block crossings provide safe connections to destinations.

Reduced turning radii slow turning vehicles and increase pedestrian space.

Dedicated transit lanes

Dedicated transit lanes will reduce conflict between travel modes, improve transit service, and help calm traffic.

Updated state law

Automated speed enforcement—currently illegal on Federal Boulevard—is a proven technique used worldwide to reduce speed-related injuries and fatalities. When deployed effectively, it actually results in fewer citations as safer travel speeds become the norm.

Federal Boulevard Projects

Dedicated bus lane

Federal Boulevard BRT

We’re advocating to give the bus its own lane for the entire length of Federal Boulevard, by repurposing a general traffic lane, instead of by widening the road.

Federal Boulevard pop-up

Pop-up Traffic Calming on Federal

Using cones, painted tires, beach balls, and hay bales, we hosted a pop-up demonstration at the intersection of Federal Blvd and 50th Ave complete with a temporary median, protected bike lanes, and curb extensions. Drivers slowed down and pedestrians said it made them feel safer. Next step: permanent installation by DOTI! 

Little Saigon hanging lantern

Friends of Little Saigon

We’re partnering with local businesses along South Federal Boulevard to celebrate the cultural diversity of this corridor while improving traffic safety and the pedestrian environment.

Colfax cloverleaf aerial

Over the Colfax-Federal Clover

We teamed up with the West Colfax Business Improvement District to launch the Over the Colfax-Federal Clover project as an effort to bring together community members and local experts to develop design solutions for an intersection that is currently unsafe and dangerous to navigate for all users.

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