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Vision Zero
World Day of Remembrance 2024
By Mari MeierOn the third Sunday of November each year, we honor those we’ve lost to traffic violence and urge our decision-makers to enact tangible solutions for safer streets. In past years on World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, the Denver Streets...
Celebrating pedestrian safety improvements – and the roots of pedestrian advocacy – in West Denver
On November 14th, representatives from the City and County of Denver, Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), advocates for safer streets and the community came together to celebrate the completion of pedestrian safety improvements on Federal Boulevard between...
The Denver Streets Partnership releases the 2020 Vision Zero Action Plan Progress Report Card
For the third year, the Denver Streets Partnership released a report card grading Denver’s progress on meeting their own goals outlined in the Vision Zero Action Plan aimed at eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries. The Report Card focuses specifically on...
The next CALC Tuesday Night book club selection is Right of Way by Angie Schmitt
Starting March 16, Denver Community Active Living Coalition (CALC) will host weekly virtual discussions about the book Right of Way: Race, Class, and the Silent Epidemic of Pedestrian Deaths in America by Angie Schmitt.
Denver’s next fire chief must embrace Vision Zero
Street design plays a central role in ensuring the safety of all road users. Denver’s next fire chief must embrace Vision Zero.