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Viewpoints clash over street closures in Denver’s City Park

By CB Cotton, Denver 7

DENVER — At the start of the pandemic, Denver Parks and Recreation followed a nationwide trend, closing various park roads and parking lots throughout the city to make room for social distancing. Now some of those roads have reopened, and everyone isn’t pleased.

On Saturday, Denver Streets Partnership held a “Parks are for People” rally to share their concern about roadway accessibility in City Park.

Last year, a street portion near 17th Avenue and a street portion near York Street were closed to provide more social distancing space to bikers and pedestrians. In the past two weeks, Denver Parks and Recreation reopened those areas.

“I think right now, there was a little bit of chaos when the [Parks & Recreation] department opened up streets to cars. People were used to being car free. It caught families and other folks walking and rolling through the park off guard,” said Molly McKinley, vice chair of Denver Streets Partnership steering committee.

McKinley said she and others would like to see the street portions, close, once again.

“So that there is a continuous through-way for people walking, biking that is car free through City Park,” she said.

Read the full story at Denver7

Posted on

April 10, 2021

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