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Stand up. Show up.
Support a safe, accessible, and equitable transportation future in Denver. Your voice matters!
Stand Up for Better Bus Stops
Have you ever waited at a bus stop without shelter or a bench? Many bus stops in Denver are in desperate need of basic amenities so local artists including Access Gallery, That 5280 Lady, advocacy group Pedestrian Dignity, and Denver Streets Partnership have installed three art pieces at bus stops in historically underserved neighborhoods to spark conversation and inspire residents to advocate for change. Share your experience waiting for the bus:
- Text/voicemail: 720-449-6450
- Social: #WaitingForDignity
- Advocate for better: bit.ly/BetterBusStopsNow
Show your support for people over parking
City Council is considering whether or not to support changes to the zoning code to remove minimum parking mandates, which create more parking than necessary and reinforce our dependence on cars. Send your representative a quick email to show your support for this policy change. Learn more at www.peopleoverparkingdenver.com
Tell CDOT to give the bus its own lane on Federal Blvd
Federal Boulevard is currently being considered for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), but the current project proposal has some gaps in the route that would render the BRT service ineffective. Please urge the project team to give the bus its own dedicated lane for the entire stretch of the street by using our form to send an e-mail, or by attending CDOT’s Telephone Town Hall on March 18 (Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters will be available):
- Call: (855)-756-7520 Ext.119834#
- or Join via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81283454162
Save the Larimer block closure
On February 2, the block closure on 2900 Larimer was re-opened to cars with little to no notice. This had become a valuable community space and should be reinstated in order to come to a permanent solution. Ask City leaders to reinstate the closure and work to make it permanent.
Help save Federal funding for pedestrian safety and walkable communities
The Trump administration is scrapping funding for pedestrian safety and walkable communities. Tell Congress and your State Representative that they need to stick up for the investments that make it easier for community members to walk with confidence through their neighborhoods.
Updated Guide to Advocating for Your Street
Need some guidance on where to start to advocate for a specific traffic safety or mobility issue? Check out our updated guide of action items, helpful contact information, and other resources to get you started on pushing for improvements to your street, neighborhood, or routes around town.
Let the City know what projects you’d like to see in the next GO Bond
This year, Denver is working with communities to create a new General Obligation ‘GO’ Bond program that funds public improvements in every neighborhood. This financing tool will be used to build and maintain public infrastructure. Share what projects are important to you as they prepare the bond.
Provide feedback on RTD’s proposed May 2025 service changes
Share your perspective on RTD’s proposed May 2025 service changes, which includes some schedule timing changes and a few service increases. You can take a survey, join an online meeting or the Ask a Service Planner session, or email RTD directly.
Apply to be on the DOTI Advisory Board
Shape Denver’s future by serving as an active member on the Denver Department of Transportation and Infrastructure’s (DOTI’s) Advisory Board. The board is charged with advising DOTI on transportation policy and operations of the department, along with reviewing and commenting on the proposed annual department budget.
Join the Colfax Bar & Restaurant Transit Crawl
If you love public transit, walkable cities, and a vital nightlife scene, then you are excited about the BRT being built along Colfax Avenue, but concerned about the BRT construction’s negative effect on bars and restaurants. Show some of the fine establishments along Colfax that BRT supporters care by getting as many urbanists, transit lovers, and party animals together as possible to visit 9 great bars/restaurants along the area currently most affected.
We Back the Fax
We Back the Fax is a community-driven initiative that encourages Denver residents and visitors alike to support local businesses along East Colfax Avenue before, during and after East Colfax BRT construction. Visit a local restaurant, support retail stores, and spend time at entertainment venues or your favorite gym or salon. There’s even monthly prizes for sharing your visits on socials!
Shovel for a Neighbor through Denver Snow Angels
As we enter the snowiest months, take the opportunity to connect with your neighbors by becoming a Snow Angel! Denver Snow Angels is a program to assist community members in Denver who are physically unable to shovel their front sidewalks, including adjacent ADA ramps and bus stops, during the cold winter months.