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What’s Next for Our Streets: Looking Ahead with DOT Leaders

What’s Next for Our Streets: Looking Ahead with DOT Leaders

National politics can limit or expand the ambition and scope of what’s possible on streets. Local transportation agencies must abide by federal rules to fund, develop, and construct new projects, and must allocate federal funding among infrastructure for cars, public...

Residents Support Lane Closures on Federal

Residents Support Lane Closures on Federal

We’ve long advocated for increased safety on Federal Boulevard, and are thankful that DPD and DOTI have installed temporary traffic calming. Read the story to hear from Athmar Park residents about the community’s response.

Join the DSP team as a Program Associate!

Join the DSP team as a Program Associate!

We’re hiring a full-time organizer to support grassroots campaign we’re working on this fall, including the climate change ballot initiative, promoting public engagement opportunities offered by the Denver Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, 20 is Plenty, promoting the Neighborhood Navigator program, and more!

Want to improve biking in Denver? Start with a light.

Want to improve biking in Denver? Start with a light.

With the city’s push to add 125 miles of bikeways to the cycling network through the Community Transportation Network planning process, we have a pressing need to understand how everyday cyclists are using the streets. The Downtown Denver Partnership -- in partnership...

Announcing the DSP Advocacy Academy

Announcing the DSP Advocacy Academy

If you believe in an equitable and vibrant Denver that guarantees our public spaces are designed for people ensuring everyone can walk, bike, roll and ride transit to where they want to go – we need you! The Denver Streets Partnership is launching a 10-week certificate program to give you the tools, expertise, experience, and connections to be a transit, walking, rolling, and biking leader into the future.

Designing our Streets for People

Designing our Streets for People

A key factor holding our city back from achieving these goals are outdated street design guidelines that prioritize the movement of cars over the health and wellbeing of people. That’s about to change.

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