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As Denver emerges post-pandemic, will shared streets stay?

By Michael Karlik, Colorado Politics

With one in five Colorado adults having received a COVID-19 vaccination to date and the White House predicting enough vaccine doses for the adult population by May, mobility advocates in Denver are cautiously hoping the city will make permanent some of its infrastructure changes beyond the end of the pandemic.

“We certainly would like to see the shared streets — which are the streets in residential and commercial areas where they’ve restricted traffic — as well as the open streets — which are the streets in the parks where they’ve completely prevented vehicles from coming in altogether. We think there’s overwhelming community support for those,” said Jill Locantore, executive director of the Denver Streets Partnership…

“There’s not a lot that the city has publicly committed to in terms of thinking differently post-pandemic,” Locantore said…

Read the full story on Colorado Politics

Posted on

March 12, 2021

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